Display Patient Information Leaflets

Pregabalin (pre-GAB-a-lin) 25mg capsules

Date issued:  August 2019

For review: August 2021

Ref:  F-12/PainClinic/ATP/SBPregabalin (25) V2

PDF:  Pregabalin 25mg [pdf] 175KB

What is Pregabalin (Lyrica)?

  • Pregabalin is a new drug.  It has been licensed for the treatment of nerve pain.  It is different from over the counter painkillers, which might be why your Doctor has advised you take it.


How do I take it?

  • The dose of Pregabalin will be different for different patients. The dose slowly increases. Please follow the table. Do not stop taking Pregabalin suddenly.


Please take Pregabalin as shown below.


Daily dosage






1 x 25mg



1 x 25mg


1 x 25mg

1 x 25mg


1 x 25mg

1 x 25mg


1 x 25mg

2 x 25mg


1 x 25mg

2 x 25mg


2 x 25mg

2 x 25mg


2 x 25mg

3 x 25mg


2 x 25mg

3 x 25mg

10 Contact GP

3 x 25mg

3 x 25mg


3 x 25mg

3 x 25mg


3 x 25mg

3 x 25mg


3 x 25mg

3 x 25mg


3 x 25mg

3 x 25mg


Please contact your GP on day 10 to arrange a further prescription.


What benefit can I expect?

  • Nerve pain is difficult to treat. ‘Normal’ painkillers often don’t work.  You may find your pain level falls, which will help you to cope better.


What are the precautions?

  • This medicine is usually well tolerated.  It will add to the effects of alcohol or other drugs that can make you drowsy.
  • Pregabalin may cause drowsiness, dizziness blurred vision, clumsiness, or difficulty in thinking.
  • Be careful how you react to this medicine before you drive a car or use heavy machinery
  • Side effects are often related to the size of the dose and are usually temporary.
  • You may need to reduce the dose to balance the benefits with any side effects
  • Pregabalin is not addictive.  However if you need to stop taking it, you should do so slowly.  You can ask your Doctor about this.  Some people feel sick if they stop it too quickly
  • Pregabalin has not been tested in pregnancy.

Please read this leaflet in conjunction with the information provided in the dispensed Pregabalin packs.




Notes for your GP:  Your patient has been prescribed pregabalin for neuropathic pain. Their dose has been titrated up to 75mg bd. If the medication has been helpful, please continue the prescription at 75mg bd. If the drug has proved ineffective, please tail off over two weeks. The dose may be titrated up to 150mg bd if tolerated. Please prescribe one capsule bd at the final tolerated dose.

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