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What are Evoked Potentials

Date issued: July 2014

For review: July 2016

Ref: B-112/NB/NP/Evoked Potentials v2

PDF:  What are Evoked Potentials [pdf] 141KB


What are Evoked Potentials?


Department of Clinical Neurophysiology

Evoked potentials involve stimulating specific nerves within the body, and recording a response along the pathway to the brain. The responses are picked up using small discs attached to the skin using sticky paste.

The whole procedure is safe and non-invasive.

The duration of the test will vary, and depends on how many nerves need to be tested. This procedure typically lasts between 1 and 2 hours.

Please bring spectacles if worn.

It is advisable to wear loose fitting clothing as it may be necessary to access the shoulder, lower back, leg and foot areas.

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