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Your fixed brace

Date issued: January 2024 

Review date: January 2026 

Ref: B-363/Maxfax/KD/Your fixed brace v3

PDF:  Your fixed brace January 2024 v3.pdf[pdf] 115KB

Your fixed brace has now been fitted. It may feel uncomfortable for the first few days, especially when you are eating. This often happens as the teeth start to move and is quite normal. Take paracetamol if you need to, according to the instructions on the packet. If parts of the brace rub your lips and cheeks, soften a small piece of white wax by rolling it into a ball in your fingers.  Then put this onto the part of the brace that is rubbing.

There are some important things you can do to help your treatment work well..

  • Eat and drink sensibly

  • Avoid sugary foods and drinks between meals. When you eat or drink something sugary, the bacteria (germs) in your mouth produce acid. This acid can make holes in your teeth.

  • Cut down on acidy drinks like fruit juice and coke. These can also cause damage to your teeth if you drink them often.

  • Do not eat very hard, sticky or chewy foods. This may break or bend parts of your brace.

  • Brush your teeth and gums thoroughly
    Permanent damage can occur to your teeth and gums if you do not clean them properly. Brush well for 2 minutes with a fluoride toothpaste 2 or 3 times a day. Spit out after brushing and do not rinse, to maintain fluoride concentration levels.

  • Use a fluoride Mouthwash AT LEAST ONCE a day

  • Take care of you brace
    Avoid biting things like pens and pencils. If you damage your brace often, it will not work well and your treatment will take longer than it should.

  • Let us know if your break or damage your brace
    Phone the Orthodontic Department straight away if this happens. Don’t wait until your next appointment.

  • Carry on seeing your own dentist for regular check-ups

  • They may want to see you more regularly now that you have a brace. They may want to prescribe a high fluoride concentration toothpaste.

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