Display Patient Information Leaflets

Your removable brace

Date issued: January 2024

Review date: January 2026 

Ref: B-361/Maxfax/KD/Your removable brace v3

PDF:   Your removable brace January 2024 v3.pdf[pdf] 141KB

At first your new brace will feel very strange. Don’t be surprised if it takes a few days to get used to it. Speaking will be difficult for the first few days and your mouth will feel wetter than usual.

There are some important things you can do to help your treatment work well. .

  • Wear the brace all day and all night except when cleaning your teeth and brace.

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day.

  • Take your brace out to clean your teeth. Rinse your brace in warm water and clean it gently with a toothbrush. Rinse your brace after meals even if you don’t have a toothbrush with you.

  • Don’t eat very hard, sticky or chewy foods e.g., toffees.

  • If your brace is very uncomfortable or you have a problem, let us know as soon as you can by phoning the Orthodontic Department. Do not wait until your next appointment.

  • Carry on seeing your own dentist for regular check-ups during your orthodontic treatment.

Your brace has been made especially for you.

Please take good care of it!

You have been given a patient statement telling you how your brace has been made.

If your brace is lost or damaged beyond repair due to carelessness, you may have to pay for a replacement.

This appliance is manufactured for exclusive use by this patient and conforms to the essential requirements of the MDD regulations S11994/3017

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