Display Patient Information Leaflets

Your removable retainers

Date issued: January 2024 

Review date: January 2026 

Ref: B-362/Maxfax/KD/Your removable retainers v3

PDF:   Your removable retainers January 2024 v3.pdf[pdf] 153KB

Congratulations! You have now reached the end of your fixed brace treatment and you have been fitted with one or two retainers. Retainers are designed to keep your teeth straight.

There are some important things you can do to help keep your teeth straight.

  • Wear your retainers as instructed by your orthodontist.

  • Do not eat or drink whilst wearing your retainers. Food and drink will collect in your retainers, damaging your teeth and the retainers.

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day.

  • Take your retainers out to clean your teeth. Brush the retainers with your toothbrush and cold water. If your retainers need freshening up then you can use a special cleaner such as ‘Retainer Bright’ or Sterident.

  • Keep your retainers safe. If you are not wearing the retainers, keep them safely in a box.  Do not wrap them in tissue as they will get thrown away.  Do not put them in your pocket as you may sit on them and break them. Keep them out of the reach of dogs, who really like the taste of retainers!

  • Bring your retainers to every appointment.

  • If there are any problems please let us know as soon as you can by phoning the Orthodontic Department.  Do not wait until your next appointment.

  • Carry on seeing your own dentist for regular check-ups.

Your retainers have been made just for you. Please look after them!

You have been given a patient statement telling you how your retainers have been made.

If your retainers are lost or damaged beyond repair due to carelessness, you may have to pay for replacements.

You should expect your teeth to move a little once you stop wearing retainers. Changes in the position of your teeth can continue throughout life and are part of the normal ageing process.

This appliance is manufactured for exclusive use by this patient and conforms to the essential requirements of the MDD regulations S11994/3017

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