Helen Harling

Helen HarlingMy name is Helen Harling - Maternity Matron for Inpatient Services including Central Delivery Suite and Argyll Antenatal and Postnatal Ward. 

Having a baby is a life changing event, one which our team of highly skilled midwives, obstetrician and maternity care assistants are here to support you through. From finding out you are pregnant to the early days and weeks of parenthood both in hospital or in your home, your safety and wellbeing is our priority. 

We are continually working to ensure that all families accessing the maternity services have a positive experience. Feedback from parents and their loved ones helps us to understand where we are doing well, and areas where we can improve our services.  

I would welcome the opportunity to learn more about your experiences within maternity services. Whether you have had a positive experience, if you want to provide some constructive feedback to support improvements within the service, or if you need signposting to additional support for parents and carers, please do get in touch. Please enter your details in the form below and we can arrange to have a conversation. Thank you.



Meet the matron

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