Judy Frame
Hello, my name is Judy Frame and I am Matron for Adult Critical Care (Intensive Care) at Derriford Hospital. Penrose is our General Intensive Care ward and Pencarrow is our Neurosurgical Intensive Care ward.
As Matron my role is to oversee and lead the Critical Care nursing teams ensuring patients receive the best possible, safe, and effective care. I pride myself on my visibility on our units to staff, patients, and relatives. I am however acutely aware that at the time of a relative visit to a loved one on ITU talking to matron is probably not a priority or at the forefront of the mind.
As a team we understand how hard it is to be a patient or have a loved one in intensive care either as the result of an emergency or accident or after a planned surgical procedure. If I or anyone in our multi-disciplinary team can do anything to support or reduce anxiety of our families or patients during or after their intensive care stay, then we are all more than happy to be contacted.
Whether your experience with us has been positive or you have some constructive feedback for the teams, we really want to hear from you. Whether you are a patient, a friend, or a family member, please do tell us about your experience. We welcome comments, compliments, and constructive feedback to ensure we are improving the services for our patients and receiving positive feedback has a great impact on the entire team.
If you want to talk to me, you can get me on Bleep 81123 via the Derriford switchboard 01752 202082. We also run a #MeetTheMatrons online meeting, where you can book a slot to meet with me over video call and discuss the feedback you wish to give. Just book in on the form below.