Critical incident declared at University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust | Latest News

Critical incident declared at University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust

As of 8:30am on 7 January 2024 we have declared a critical incident. This is due significant and rising demand for hospital care. The number of people attending our Emergency Department and other emergency facilities who need hospital treatment is higher than normal. More than 300 people attended Derriford Hospital as emergencies yesterday and nearly 200 of those needed admitting for care as inpatients. We are particularly seeing high numbers of older patients with respiratory problems exacerbated by the cold weather.

By calling this critical incident, it triggers our system partners to work differently to support us in keeping patients safe.

Message for patients

Our Emergency Department is currently very full and if you do not have an emergency or life-threatening condition, you may be redirected to other healthcare services. These include NHS 111, our Urgent Treatment Centre at the Cumberland centre, and our Minor Injury Units at Kingsbridge and Tavistock. You may also be advised to use local pharmacies or to contact your GP.

Our colleagues are working hard to prioritise patients based on their clinical need and move patients to the right place for them as soon as possible.

If you have a very serious or life-threatening emergency, we are here for you, but otherwise, if you need urgent care, we ask you please to call NHS 111 or use NHS 111 online. Find out more about what to do in an emergency.

Darryn Allcorn, Chief Nurse at University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, said: “Our Emergency Department is there for life-threatening conditions and real emergencies. If you can use other services, such as NHS 111, pharmacy or your GP, please do so. If you do come to the Emergency Department and it is not an emergency or a life-threatening condition, then you may be redirected.

“It’s really important we make sure that the sickest patients are prioritised and that we keep our services flowing for those who are in greatest need. Therefore, we ask that at this time unless you are a carer or if the patient who is coming to the hospital is particularly distressed, that those who accompany patients do not to come into the Emergency Department. We need the seating spaces for patients to sit down and be comfortable.

“We ask that patients, visitors and families be kind to one another and continue to treat staff with respect during this extremely busy period.”

What can I do to help?

  • If you have an urgent medical problem that isn’t an emergency contact NHS 111 first by phone or online
  • Please use our Emergency Department if you have a life-threatening emergency. Please be aware that our service, like the wider NHS and local health and care system, is very busy.
  • If you have a friend or family member in hospital please help them to come home as soon as they are ready. Talk to the ward staff about the support available to help them be discharged, including one off grants.
  • The Urgent Treatment Centre at the Cumberland Centre in Devonport is open every day to treat you if you have an injury which isn’t life-threatening but requires urgent treatment
  • For emergency dental care, contact your usual dentist, or contact NHS 111 by phone or online and you will be provided with details of your local out of hours service
  • If you have any symptoms of a winter bug such as flu or norovirus please stay at home, particularly avoid people who are more vulnerable such as hospital patients or care home residents.
  • If you don’t have symptoms of an infectious bug and you have an appointment do please attend unless you are contacted.

Find further information on how you can stay well this winter

Find out more about what to do in an emergency

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