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CT Scanner at Plymouth’s new Community Diagnostic Centre sees first patients

The first patients have been seen at the temporary Computed Tomography (CT) scanner which will form part of Plymouth’s new Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC). The new Diagnostic Centre, located in Plymouth’s West End, will provide wider access to critical diagnostic tests.

Four people stood in front of the temporary CT scannerCT scans involve a series of x-rays which have incredible accuracy and allow Radiologists to detect disease or injury as early as possible. The benefits include reducing the need for exploratory surgeries, faster cancer diagnosis, and helping to determine treatment of injury, cardiac disease and stroke.

Colin Stuckey, Lead CT Radiographer at University Hospitals Plymouth, said: “The main benefits of the new CT scanner are that it will increase our capacity and take pressure off the main Derriford Hospital site which will result in fewer cancellations. The increased appointment availability and location of the scanner will result in a more positive patient experience.”

The mobile CT scanner is a modular scanner which is staffed by Health and Care Professions Council registered CT Radiographers, a Healthcare Assistant and a Receptionist. The state-of-the-art scanner allows Radiographers to see patients while the design and construction of the main CDC site continues.

Stuart Windsor, Future Hospitals Director at University Hospitals Plymouth, said: “This is a really important step in our wider healthcare estates plan. This mobile scanner is enabling people living in, or near the city centre to use facilities closer to their home and have access to early diagnostic tests as soon as possible.”

Cabinet member for Finance and City Centre champion, Councillor Mark Lowry said: “We have been talking for some time about health facilities for Colin Campbell Court as part of our long-term generation plans and this is a very clear signal that this vision is starting to become a reality.

“The temporary scanner means that our colleagues in the NHS can get on straight away with the critical task of testing our residents for possible health issues, which is particularly important for people living in St Peter and the Waterfront, who have lower life expectancy than other wards.

“In the meantime our teams continue to work on the full application for the main CDC building which will be over 3,000 sqm in size and will provide a range of outpatient diagnostic tests. We are just weeks away from submitting this. It’s all go!”

Steve Hughes, chief executive of the Plymouth Centre Company, said: “I know our businesses in the West End will be pleased to see this as it represents real progress and also opens up the potential for many more people to pop into shops and cafes nearby.”

Councillor Mary Aspinall, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care said: “It is great to see significant steps to help the city begin to address some of its long-term health inequalities, especially in the city centre, which has the highest levels of deprivation in Plymouth.

“Anything that makes it easier for people to get a diagnosis as early as possible has to be a good thing. The earlier people get diagnosed the better their chances of recovery or managing health issues.”


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