Response to New Hospital Programme Review Terms of Reference | Latest News

Response to New Hospital Programme Review Terms of Reference

Architect impression of new urgent and emergency care facility

Following the announcement of the New Hospital Programme Review, as outlined by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on 29 July 2024, the Terms of Reference for the review have now been agreed with the Chief Secretary of HM Treasury. The paper details which schemes will form part of the review and includes Derriford Hospital’s new Urgent and Emergency Care Facility.

Architect impression of new urgent and emergency care facilityIn response, University Hospitals Plymouth’s Future Hospital Director Stuart Windsor said: “While the review is in progress, we continue to work positively with the New Hospital Programme and local stakeholders to progress our development scheme, with enabling works well underway and preparations continuing for the demolition of our decomissioned children’s theatres ahead of the construction work to begin on the new building.

“We are progressing at pace, with works having already started to make changes to the ambulatory entrance to our current Emergency Department, and a range of works to prepare for the handover of the site on which the building will be constructed. Our scheme is already at Full Business Case, and we are working to agree a final submission date and approvals process. Our target remains to start the construction of the new building in the spring of 2025.

“In addition, one of our first steps will be opening the new Dartmoor building, which will not only house the new Urgent Treatment Centre but also relocate the Fracture Clinic. This is an important enabling step to ensure that we can continue to deliver Emergency Services, and fulfil our role as a Major Trauma Centre for the Southwest peninsula, whilst construction work takes place.

“The much-needed new Urgent and Emergency Care Facility will be a great asset to the people of Plymouth, and we look forward to the clarity that the government review will bring in terms of seeing this move from planning to delivery.”

Urgent Treatment Centre and Fracture Clinic building site progress

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