Deaf support in contacting Patient Advice and Liaison Team (PALS)

At PALS we’ll listen to your experience and pass on the learning to the appropriate department or team. Have you had an experience with any of our teams that was below your expected standards? Do you have any feedback on how we could improve our work? Or do you want to praise a team’s offered care? We are here to help you.


Contact PALS


If you’re deaf or hard of hearing, and are unable or prefer not to use email you can:

  • Talk to our Patient Advice and Liaison Team (PALS) using Next Generation Text (NGT) or Text Relay
  • Communicate with us using BSL live video interpreters


Talk to us using Next Generation Text or Text Relay

You can make and receive phone calls using Next Generation Text (NGT). This free service uses a relay assistant to convert speech to text and vice versa. This way you’ll type what you want to say into your mobile phone, laptop, tablet or textphone. The relay assistant reads this out to the person on the end of the line and when the person replies, the relay assistant will convert this to text so you can read what they’ve said. If you’re already set up with NGT, this service is automatically linked to your phone number. If not, you can find out how to use the service at


Talk to us through live BSL interpreters

When you get in touch with us, you can talk to us in British Sign Language (BSL) using a live video interpreter. There is a service called Sign Live who are available 24/7 and provide RS/VRI services for community directory’s, allowing deaf people to call public sector organisations like the NHS for free. They can connect you instantly with interpreters and you don’t need to book calls in advance. For more information please visit:


University Hospitals Plymouth staff introducing themselves with ‘Hello my name is’


Deaf-friendly Standard

Patient Services and Voluntary Services are proud to announce they successfully achieved the Bronze Deaf friendly standard award by the National Deaf Children’s Society. 

Bronze standard

Deaf-friendly standard logo Bronze Bronze demonstrates your organisation’s commitment to being deaf-friendly. It gives you the opportunity to learn and understand the policies, procedures and knowledge that is needed to make sure you are accessible for all deaf children and young people.

Watch the Deaf Friendly Standard Criteria videos

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