Research News

Today’s research for tomorrow’s health: UHP’s Health and Care Research Conference 2024

A projector welcoming people to the Health and Care Research Conference 2024

Colleagues from professions across University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust (UHP) came together in celebration of healthcare research at the Health and Care Research Conference 2024.

The aim of the event was to bring together a diverse audience of healthcare professionals, both medical and non-medical, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.

The conference provides a platform for professionals with an existing interest in research and those looking to develop this interest. Those who attended on the day were given the opportunity to find out how to take the first steps into research, meet patients who have been part of research, discuss innovative methodologies, and network with like-minded individuals.

The conference, which ran from 9.30am to 4.15pm, was a sold-out event, evidencing a strong support for research within colleagues at UHP. Speaking about the event, Lead Research Nurse Catherine Pitman said: “This conference was planned and managed by a core team of clinical colleagues across the Trust. We were keen to give colleagues a platform to showcase all their hard work, hoping to represent as many of the professionals across the Trust. We feel we achieved this and would like to thank all who helped support the organisation on the day and the colleagues who gave some amazing presentations.”

As part of the conference, there was a research abstract competition where participants were able to submit a poster promoting their research projects in advance, to be judged by a panel of experts on the day. The aim of the competition was to showcase the latest advancements in healthcare research and provides a unique avenue for professionals to present their work to a broader audience.

The event also featured a range of keynote speakers, including individuals who have completed their own research work, as well as a patient who shared their experience and how they have been part of research at UHP. After each talk, attendees were then given the opportunity to learn from and engage with these experts through Q&As, gaining insights into their experiences and the impact of their research on healthcare practice.

The Health and Care Research Conference was more than just an event to showcase research that is already ongoing or has been completed at UHP, by fostering an environment of learning, networking, and inspiration, the Research and Development team aspire to empower healthcare professionals to contribute meaningfully to the research landscape.

For more information how to get involved in research at UHP, visit the Research and Development website at

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