Advanced (metastatic) prostate cancer

This section is for men who have been diagnosed with advanced (metastatic) prostate cancer, this is a cancer that has spread from the prostate to other parts of the body such as bone or other organs. There are a number of treatment options that may be discussed with you.

Such as;

  • Enzaluatmide (Xtandi)
  • Abiraterone (Zytiga)
  • Chemotherapty (Docetaxtel or Cabazitaxel)
  • Radium 223

The aim of further treatment is to control your cancer and delay or manage any symptoms you might have such as pain.

Prostate cancer UK has produced an information leaflets that explains what advanced prostate cancer is and the treatments available;

Link to treatment options leaflet Link to advanced prostate cancer leaflet
Treatment options after your first hormone therapy Advanced prostate cancer


Enzalutamide (Xtandi)

Enzalutamide works by blocking the production of testosterone.  Your specialist team may discuss this treatment option with you if it is suitable and will give you a patient information pack to learn more about the treatment. Unfortunately there is no online access available at this time.

*Please continue to watch this webpage for information about “Xtandi & me”. This online patient support platform will be launching soon by Astellas, the company that make Enzalutamide. It will be for patients who have been prescribed Enzalutamide (Xtandi) and their partners, family, friends and carers providing online support and access to information, tools, tips and advice.  Once it is launched, please contact your specialist team and we will register your details so that you can complete your registration.


We use Chemotherapy in Prostate Cancer to control and manage your cancer by shrinking the cancer cells and slowing down their spread. Your specialist team may discuss this treatment option with you if it is suitable. Please click on the relevant drug to read about how they work and what to expect during treatment.

Docetaxel (Taxotere®)

Cabazitaxel (Jevtana®)

University Hospitals Plymouth has produced a 20 minute video providing chemotherapy information for patients, their families and carers. All patients must watch this video before commencing Chemotherapy treatment.




Important information

You must contact your hospital team URGENTLY if you feel UNWELL or develop:

  • Chest pain or difficulty breathing
  • Temperature greater than 380C (1000F)
  • Shivering episodes
  • Flu like symptoms
  • Gum or nose bleeds or unusual bleeding
  • Mouth ulcers that stop you eating and drinking
  • Vomiting
  • Watery diarrhoea or four or more bowel movements

Should you experience any of these side effects please call IMMEDIATELY 01752 202082 and request Bleep 0023

Radium 223 (Xofigo)

This treatment is only for men whose prostate cancer has spread to their bones and is causing pain.  It will only be an option if your cancer has stopped responding to hormone therapy. Your specialist team may discuss this treatment option with you if it is suitable. Please watch this patient support video to learn more.

Watch Bayer's video here

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