Maximising your sexual wellbeing
True Nth, Prostate Cancer UK and the University of Ulster have designed an online self-management resource for people living with prostate cancer. It is a resource to undertake in your own home that includes information, support and exercises to help manage the sexual wellbeing effects of prostate cancer.
- It provides personalised self-management strategies based on your treatment, relationship status and sexual orientation.
- It also includes information & support for partners as well as videos from men, partners and healthcare professionals.
- This workshop can be accessed pre-treatment, post-treatment and beyond.
- There is specialised support for single, black, & younger men; and those receiving palliative care.
- Include tips, advice & information that can be printed and saved for you to keep.
Click here to access the programme
Prostate Cancer UK resources | Macmilan resources | |
Prostate cancer support group for gay and bisexual men.
Sexual Advice Association provides fact sheets and resources written by expert sexual health professionals