After your endoscopy

After your endoscopy you'll be taken to the endoscopy department's recovery area. 

Your time in the recovery area will depend upon the procedure you have had, and the sedation or pain relief you have chosen.

While you are recovering you will be monitored by our team of nurses and may leave the department once you are ready. 

Recovering after a colonoscopy

Recovering after your colonoscopy

After your colonoscopy you will be taken to the recovery area. 

While you are in the recovery area you will be monitored by our team of nurses. 

Once you are recovered you will be able to change into your clothes in privacy. Please let us know if you need any assistance at any point. 

We will offer you a warm or cold drink and a biscuit. If you have any dietry requirements please bring a drink and a snack which will help you to recover while you are in the department. 

Once you are recovered you will be able to leave the department.

If you have had the conscious sedation you will need to be collected from the department and have someone stay with you for 24 hours. For more information about the conscious sedation please see our sedation and pain relief page.

Recovering after a gastroscopy

Recovering after your gastroscopy

After your gastroscopy you will be taken to the recovery area. 

While you are in the recovery area you will be monitored by our team of nurses. 

Once you are recovered you will be able to change into your clothes in privacy. Please let us know if you need any assistance at any point. 

We will offer you a warm or cold drink and a biscuit. If you have any dietry requirements please bring a drink and a snack which will help you to recover while you are in the department. 

If you have had the numbing spray during your procedure, you will need to wait for feeling to return to your throat before you can eat or drink.

Once you are recovered you will be able to leave the department.

If you have had the conscious sedation you will need to be collected from the department and have someone stay with you for 24 hours. For more information about the conscious sedation please see our sedation and pain relief page.



During your procedure your endoscopist will be talking to you. They will explain what they are doing and may ask you to perform some simple instructions. The endoscopist may also tell you what they find during the procedure. 

While you are in the recovery area a nurse will tell you about your procedure and show you your report.

Sometimes, if you have had the conscious sedation, you may forget what has happened during the procedure and may not remember everything after the procedure. If you do not remember being given your report when you are recovering it may be because you are still being affected by the conscious sedation.

The report will be sent to your GP or refering clinician who will tell you your results. Your GP or refering clinician will plan the next stage of your care.

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