Derriford Autism Service

The Autism Service Logo

This service is to offer individuals on the Autistic Spectrum a better experience when accessing hospital services, the service is for Autistic indivudals who do not have a learning disability. (Autistic patients who also have a Learning Disability will continue to have support from the Learning Disability Team).

The aim of the service is to provide advice and tools for Autistic patients that they can utilise to inform staff responsible for their care of their specific needs and any Reasonable Adjustments that would help to improve their care outcomes and to provide advice to staff who are caring for patients who are on the Autistic Spectrum.

The service will also offer Understanding Autism training to all Trust staff regardless of their role – everyone is likely to come into contact with someone on the autistic spectrum during their career, be it as a patient, colleague or member of the public, some people will have an official diagnosis, others will not due to a number of reasons, but all will need those who are in contact with them to have an understanding of the challenges they may be facing.

Hospital can be a daunting place for many people, even more so if you have difficulties with communication and/or sensory sensitivities, this can be even more challenging if your difficulties are not recognised or acknowledged – Autism is one of many invisible disabilities and this results in health inequalities, this service will be aiming to address this inequality.

The service has one specialist nurse full time with part time administrative cover Monday to Friday.

If you would like training, please get in touch.

Our Mission Statement

Providing advice, education and identifying resources for Autistic people, their carers and Trust staff with the aim of adjusting to individual needs and therefore promoting positive outcomes for healthcare and employment


The Autism Service logo was designed by AD  — See his portfolio at  Ace is a designer, marketer, and visual artist living in the South West.

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