News and Events

Breathing Space at the PGMC

The garden behind the Post Graduate Medical Centre at University Hospitals Plymouth is undergoing an impressive makeover. Plymouth Hospitals Charity has, with donations received during the pandemic, funded the building of this new garden.The Breathing Space Garden at PGMC is situated behind the Derriford Centre for Health and Wellbeing for our colleagues to be able to meet outdoors in an area near the nature reserve where they can be social and share food together, have some fun, good conversation and have some time out when work is hard.


breaking ground at PGMC garden When COVID-19 struck the nation in March 2020, people wanted to support their NHS. Locally, our NHS Charity received over £60,000 and this garden grows out from these donations. It is due to such amazing local support that the ground was officially broken at the start of November 2021, and the Breathing Space Garden is due to be completed by spring 2022, ready for colleagues to enjoy over the coming warmer months.


The Breathing Space Garden was designed to enable colleagues to have some space away from their normal working areas out in the open, overlooking our beautiful nature reserve and appreciating the spring-time ducks! We wanted to make sure it complimented the surroundings, by incorporating planters and trellis' with all-year-round greenery. Corinne Bailey, Charity Manager shares, “we hope that the summer house will provide some comfortable respite, and the rain won't stop colleagues from being outside, especially during the warmer weather!”.


The garden will be home to these glass faces, which came from a local artist who was very keen to be involved in the centre’s recent local artist engagement activities. Susan Hooker created these from left over pieces of glass with the intention of creating faces without creed, gender, race or background, just beauty and grace for all to enjoy. They will be on proud display in the new garden area for you to spot.


glass faces

Kerry Dungay, Medical Education Manager who developed these plans and has been instrumental in creating the garden explains, “I can't wait to see this space properly finished and being used by colleagues. I hope it provides everything we dreamed it would!”


Plymouth Hospitals Charity is on a mission to increase the green spaces at Derriford Hospital. There are currently a number of ongoing projects aiming to create outdoor spaces which we hope will benefit staff and patients for many years to come.
To find out more and to support these projects, please visit:



covered area in garden

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