New ultrasound machine will cut waiting times thanks to the Primrose Foundation

The Primrose Foundation have funded a new, state of the art, ultrasound machine at Derriford Hospital, thanks to the incredible fund raising efforts of its supporters. The machine, costing over £50,000, will help to reduce waiting times at the Primrose Breast Care Centre by enabling more patients to be scanned in a shorter time frame.
Dr Jim Steel, Service Line Director for Breast Services and Consultant Breast Radiologist at Derriford Hospital, said: “When I started doing breast ultrasound in the late 1990s, a lot of the pictures looked a fuzzy mess and were unhelpful. The machines were noisy and slow – thankfully that’s all changed. The equipment we use now has totally transformed the way we scan.
“Within the Primrose Unit we already had two modern ultrasound machines which are incredibly detailed - showing ligaments, ducts, blood vessels and suspicious masses with great precision.
“Our goal though, is to screen more women – to do that we needed a third machine and thankfully, the Primrose Foundation were able to use funds, raised by local people to buy this one.
“The new ultrasound machine is state of the art and very high quality. The images we now see are crisp, the blood flow is really well demonstrated and it enables us to do great breast imaging. The Centre is extremely grateful to the Primrose Foundation for the work they do, and the funds that enabled this purchase.”
Madeleine Matthews, Fundraising Co-ordinator, added: “We are a charity and rely on donations from local people to do the great work we do. Purchasing the Primrose Breast Care Centre an ultrasound machine is just one more example of how the kind-hearted people of Devon have made a choice to fundraise and this is the incredible result. These types of machines are of course expensive but essential in helping us continue our battle against cancer and encouraging more women to get screened.”