Dementia Awareness: A Poem

Debbie Affleck from Shipley Ward has written a powerful poem about dementia, in order to raise awareness.

Hold my hand; I’m scared feel alone,
My thoughts are jumping; I want to go home,
Oh Mother protect me, Father I see you so clear,
But Dementia has grasped me, instilling such fear.

Oh where on earth am I and hey, who are you?
Why can’t I do the things that I used to do?
The lights are so bright here and noises so loud.
A familiar face I need in the crowd.

I need the bathroom, but how do I say?
Nothings the same now, I don’t know the day.
I get so frustrated, the words jumbled when they come out.
Please don’t get angry if I scream and I shout.

Oh were on earth am I and hey, who are you?
Why can’t I do the things I used to do?
The lights are so bright here and noises so loud.
A familiar face I need in the crowd.

My life was so full, but in darkness I fell,
Continue to tell me, I do have a call bell.
And if I forget, encourage me to drink and to feed,
Check, use your skill to fulfil all my needs.

Oh where on earth am I and hey who are you?
Why Can’t I do the things I used to do?
The lights are so bright here and noises so loud.
A familiar face I need in the crowd.

So when I’m in hospital, with me, go slow.
Put familiar items around me so I know where to go.
If I wander, just let me, so long as I’m safe
When I act inappropriately help me to save face.

Oh where on earth am I and hey who are you?
Why Can’t I do the things I used to do?
The lights are so bright here and noises so loud.
A familiar face I need in the crowd.

I never chose for my brain to be ill.
Always so vibrant and such a strong will.
Get to know me and help me so much to unwind.
Trigger happy memory, continue to remind.

Oh where on earth am I and hey, who are you?
Why can’t I do all the things I used to do?
The lights are so bright here and noises so loud.
A familiar face I need in the crowd.

For I am a human, no different to you.
This awful disease, it just makes me so blue.
So with a deep sense of compassion, even if I hit.
Remember my suffering and help to relieve it.

Oh where on earth am I and hey, who are you?
Why can’t I do the things I used to do?
The lights are so bright here and noises so loud.
A familiar face I need in the crowd.

You can be my familiar face, someone to hold.
To keep me warm when I feel the cold.
In a nursing vocation protect and to serve.
For this, at the very least is what I deserve.

D-C Affleck (Shipley Ward)

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