Display Patient Information Leaflets

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

Date issued: February 2024
For review: February 2026
Ref: D-68/Corp/SM/PALS v12

PALS Information Leaflet.pdf [pdf] 377KB

  • Concerned but don’t want to complain?
  • Have a problem but don’t know who to ask?
  • Worried and not sure what to do?
  • Happy with your treatment and want to tell us?

Want to say something?

We want to listen

We aim to deliver the highest quality of service and standards of individual care. Through listening to your views we can continue to develop and improve our services to our patients.

Our staff are here to help you and they want to know if you have any suggestions or comments about the services you have received so they can take immediate action.

We welcome any suggestion or comments that will improve our services. Please speak to the Ward or Department Manager or the PALS department. You may also write to the Chief Executive.

Want to share a positive experience?

We also want to learn from your positive experiences. These will form an essential part of our ongoing evaluation of the patient experience at our Hospital. It also gives you the opportunity to let the staff know that their care and professionalism have not gone unnoticed. You can share your experience by posting a comment within the ‘feedback’ section of the NHS Choices website, by e-mail or telephone to PALS, or by writing to the Chief Executive.

Step 1: If you have a concern or a complaint

We want to resolve it

It would help if you let the staff know of your concerns and dissatisfaction as soon as possible. This will allow them to quickly put things right for you.

If you feel that you cannot speak directly to a staff member, you can ask to talk to the person in charge of the department or ward you are visiting. Usually, they can help resolve things for you. If not, they can advise and arrange further assistance.

We assure you that if you make a complaint, this will not compromise your care, or that of a member of your family.

Don’t want to speak to a member of staff?

We can still help

If you feel that you are not able to speak directly to a member of staff on the ward or department about your concern, you can ask staff to contact the PALS department who will arrange to assist you as quickly as possible.

PALS Visits

If you are an inpatient, we can telephone you on the ward, or you can ask someone to call us on your behalf. If you or your family member would like to speak to the PALS team, you can contact them by

  • phone on 01752 439884
  • email at plh-tr.PALS@nhs.net
  • or you can visit The Hub on Level 6 and speak face-to-face with a member of the PALS team.

The PALS team are keen to hear from you, understand your experience, and make sure that we address any concerns that you might have while you or your relative is in hospital.

Want to make a complaint?

Help is available in our Trust

If we cannot resolve your concern at the time, you may wish to make a complaint, either by writing, by e-mail or by telephone. Usually, this should be within 12 months of the events themselves or 12 months of learning of the problem.

If you have difficulty putting your complaint in writing, the PALS team can advise you on how to do this. They can help you register your complaint so that we can investigate this under the NHS Complaints Procedure.

However you wish to contact us, we will send you an acknowledgement of receipt and a letter detailing your concerns, giving you the opportunity to check that your concerns have been correctly recorded and to make amendments.

Don’t want to speak directly to the PALS department? Independent help is available

The Advocacy People are an organisation that offer support to anyone wishing to make a complaint about any aspect of NHS care. You can contact them by

Alternatively, in writing at the following address:

PO Box 375


East Sussex

TN34 9HU

The advocacy people

Independent Complaints Advocacy services are totally independent from this organisation. They cannot investigate your complaint, but they can help you make your complaint in writing, liaise with us on your behalf and attend meetings with you. Independent Complaints Advocacy is provided through your Local Authority; please contact your Local Authority’s Customer Services Department for details of their advocacy service.

Want to complain on behalf of an adult?

If you wish to make a complaint on behalf of an adult, under normal circumstances we will require a signed and dated statement from that person permitting us to investigate and to release information to you which may be confidential to them. The PALS department has a consent form for this purpose.

Want to complain on behalf of a child?

If you wish to make a complaint on behalf of a child and you are not the parent(s) or legal guardian of the child we will require a signed and dated statement from the parent(s) or legal guardian. The PALS department has a consent form for this purpose.

What will happen next?

Once we have acknowledged your complaint, the manager(s) of the relevant department(s) will investigate the events and issues in question on behalf of the Chief Executive.

The Chief Executive will send you a written response or offer a meeting with the relevant staff within the time period agreed with you, wherever possible. This will explain the investigation’s outcome, any actions we have already taken, and plans for further actions.

We will make every effort to resolve your complaint.

If you remain dissatisfied, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman leaflet ‘Bringing a complaint to the Health Service Ombudsman’ may help you. This explains what to do next and copies can be obtained by contacting the PALS department or the Health Service Ombudsman direct.

Step 2: The Health Service Ombudsman: for review of your concerns

If you remain dissatisfied with our response to your concerns you may contact the Health Service Ombudsman’s office to review your complaint.

The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman for England (PHSO)

The PHSO has a sign video service and easy read information.


  • Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm
  • Friday 8:30am to Midday

Address: The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman for England, Citygate, Mosley Street, Manchester, M2 3HQ

Helpline: 0345 015 4033

Email: phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman


How to contact PALS

  • Open Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 5pm
  • Email plh-tr.PALS@nhs.net
  • Call 01752 439884 or 432564. Our phone lines are open between 9:30am and 4pm
  • Visit us in The Hub on Level 6,  Derriford Hospital
  • Write to us: Patient Advice & Liaison Office (PALS), Patient Services, Level 7, Derriford Hospital Plymouth, PL6 8DH

Out of hours arrangements

In an emergency you can contact the duty manager through the main hospital switchboard on 01752 202082

Not a Derriford Hospital related problem?

Community based Patient Advice and Complaints NHS Devon

Pomona House

Oak View Close



Telephone: 0300 123 1672

Text for call back: 07789 741 099

Email: d-icb.patientexperience@nhs.net

Complaints Address:

Chief Executive
Level 7
Derriford Hospital
Plymouth, PL6 8DH
For further information scan the QR code below

Compliments, concerns, or complaints leaflet

NHS England

If you have a problem with a community based service please contact NHS England. Such as Mental Health, Learning Disabilities, Rehabilitation, GP services or Dentists you can contact

Email: england.contactus@nhs.net

Or write to them at:
NHS England, PO Box 16738, Redditch, B97 9PT

Telephone: 0300 311 22 33

Translation and Interpretation Service

If you require an interpreter, or translation, please ask a member of our staff to arrange it for you.


This leaflet is available in large print and other formats and languages. Contact: Administrator, Tel: 01752 439884



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