The ICU Team

Patients on the ICU are cared for by a large multidisciplinary team:

ICU nurses ICU Nurses

Each patient on ICU has a dedicated nurse to look after them 24 hours a day (though each nurse may care for up to two patients at a time). ICU nurses are highly skilled in looking after very unwell patients and ensure that patients are receiving the complex treatments provided on ICU.

The senior ICU nursing team include:

  • Judy Frame - Matron, Meet ICU Matron Judy Frame
  • Peter Branfield - Lead Nurse
  • Emma Galley, Cheryl McVeigh, Deborah Redding, Ward Managers Pencarrow ICU
  • Paula Chudleigh, Tracey Greenaway, Marie Olding, James Spettigue Ward Managers Penrose ICU
  • Emily Barnes, Louise Dolye, Gen Greenway,Clinical Band 7 Nursing Team
  • Kate Tantam, Rehab Lead Nurse
  • Peacha Heys, Lead Nurse, Acute Care Team


ICU Doctors

The ICU has a team of Consultants (Intensivists) who review the patients every day and supervise their care. The ICU Consultants are:

  • Dr R Jackson Service Line Lead
  • Dr Robin Berry,
  • Dr Colin Bigham,
  • Dr Alex Coombs,
  • Dr Stephen Copplestone,
  • Dr Stuart Dickson,
  • Dr Jeremy Hunter,
  • Dr Julian Lantaigne,
  • Dr Paul Margetts,
  • Dr Dan Martin,
  • Dr Nikitas Nikitas,
  • Dr Ian O'Brien,
  • Dr Elfyn Thomas,
  • Dr Tim Tufnel Barrett,
  • Dr Sam Waddy,
  • Dr Anna Wamsley,
  • Dr Deborah Webster,
  • Dr Jess Welbourne,
  • Dr Ash Williams

The Consultants are supported by a team of junior doctors (Registrars, Specialist Trainees, and Foundation doctors).

ICU Doctors Other Members of the Team

The ICU relies on the help of a wide range of other members of the hospital team, including (but not restricted to) Physiotherapists, Pharmacists, Radiographers, as well as regular visits from other medical and surgical teams, and daily input from Microbiology and Radiology Consultants.

Research and Students

We are a teaching hospital and work closely with the University. You may meet medical and nursing students on placements on ICU. The ICU also participates in vital local, national and international medical research, and you may meet members of the research team, or be given the option to participate in studies.

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