
Jane completes Great West Run to say ‘thank you’ to neuroradiology department

alt Twin sisters Jane Brown and Sharon Trafford have raised £2612.50 for the Neuroradiology Department at Derriford Hospital.

On Sunday 14 October, Jane completed the Great West Run to raise money and despite the cold conditions and heavy rain, Jane successfully completed the hilly, 13.1 miles round Exeter. 

“I wanted to say thank you to William Mukonoweshuro and his team for saving my life,” said Jane.

“I had two lots of surgery at Derriford Hospital in September 2015 and April 2016 to repair a 1.3cm aneurysm. I’m so grateful to all the staff and nurses who helped in my recovery.”

Jane’s twin sister, Sharon, who is Ladies Captain at Launceston Golf Club nominated the Neuroradiology Department as the chosen charity appeal for the year and raised a further £1,000. This was achieved by holding coffee mornings, raffles and other social events at the golf club. Sharon said “The opportunity to give something back to the hospital could not be missed. Our family are hugely grateful to William and to Will Adams and their team for the care and kindness given to Jane during a very difficult time”.

Jane and Sharon visited the hospital recently to present a cheque to Mr Mukonoweshuro.

To find out more about how you can fundraise or make a donation to University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, please visit

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