Training to become a Dietitian

How can I train to be a dietitian?

There are two ways to qualify as a dietitian:

  • Completion of a relevant degree
  • Completion of a post graduate qualification

All courses include a period of practical training in the acute (hospital) and community setting, which is approved by the Health Professions Council. The entry requirements for undergraduates vary, but you will normally be expected to have ‘A’ levels in science subjects, preferably chemistry, and GCSE in maths and english.  Access courses and BTEC in science may also be acceptable.

Useful links:

Unfortunately we are unable to offer work experience owing to the number of requests we receive, as well as the need to ensure patient dignity and confidentially. However, we do hold open mornings every year. These sessions are acknowledged by the universities, and provide a valuable opportunity to gain an insight into the work of a dietitian. 

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