Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia

There are 9 consultant cardiothoracic anaesthetists:

 Dr P Murphy
 Dr C Cummings
 Dr M Jayarajah
 Dr N Mahmood
 Dr P Robbins
 Dr S Dudnikov
 Dr M Bennett
 Dr J Ambler
 Dr J Cole  

All are members of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthetists. They provide anaesthetic services for all adult cardiac surgical procedures with the exception of transplantation surgery. All anaesthetic services within the cardiothoracic unit are consultant led and delivered. 

The consultant anaesthetists provide a full consultant service to the Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit (CICU). 

 The consultants are supported by a dedicated team of junior anaesthetists and operating department practitioners. 


Medical students from the Peninsula Medical School undertake training supervised by members of the team. Patients having surgery in the unit might expect to be visited by and with the necessary consent, have procedures demonstrated to attached medical students. 

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