
Nursing Society Organise Christmas Gift Drive for Derriford Hospital

University of Plymouth's Nursing Society Organise Christmas Gift Drive for Derriford Hospital  

Just before Christmas, the University of Plymouth Nursing Society organised a gift drive for patients staying in Monkswell Ward over the festive period.  

Trinity Long, Chair of the Nursing Society, along with committee members, established dedicated stations across the University campus for students and faculty members to donate gifts for our hospitals. They also created an Amazon Gift List, which included items such as shower and body care sets, toiletries, adult colouring books and games for people to add to their online baskets while doing their Christmas shopping. 

"As nursing students, we often see patients arrive in hospital with limited belongings. With inspiration from a previous committee member, we decided to organise a gift drive to spread some cheer over the festive season, " Trinity says.  

The donated gifts and items purchased on the wish list were delivered to the Monkswell Ward on the 19th of December, all wrapped up nicely in festive gift bags for patients to open. The Monskwell Ward at Derriford Hospital provides healthcare for older patients and stroke patients.


Four women smiling in front of a collection of festive gift bags at the hospital reception.


Helen Arcos, Monkswell Ward Manager, talks about the impact of the donation: "Many of our patients have no relatives or friends that can easily make their way to the hospital to provide simple things like toiletries. Therefore, this act of kindness is very much appreciated by both patients and staff, who often use their own money to provide little luxuries. Having an assisted shower and styling their hair makes such a difference in helping our patients feel more like their normal selves again." 

Christmas can be a difficult and lonely time for many people. Donations such as these not only provide essential items to those who need them but also show that someone cares, which is an invaluable gift.   

We'd like to say a big thank you to the Nursing Society and to everyone who contributed to this special delivery. 

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