
Children’s Happy Hospital Fund raises £22,000 for the Cube Appeal

Cube appeal The Children’s Happy Hospital Fund (CHHF) has raised £22,000 to refurbish 18 cubicles across Derriford Hospital’s children’s wards.

The Cube Appeal, which launched in April 2017, has now funded the redecoration of 18 cubicles, creating a more relaxed, comfortable space for patients that need to be isolated due to their conditions. The walls have been freshly painted with bright colours, cupboards have been removed to create a more flexible space, new flooring has been installed and there are new specialist chairs which can be turned into beds for parents to sleep on.

As part of the funds raised so far, a grant from Santander means that Woodcock Ward now has a sensory cubicle with magic ceiling lights to help young patients to relax and a projector to change the theme displayed on the wall. Play Services Team Leader and Fundraising Co-ordinator for the CHHF, Sue Rodgers, said:  “This cubicle is used by our younger patients who need to be isolated and are therefore unable to use our sensory room. We have had excellent feedback from patients and parents”.

CHHF are over half way to reaching their target of £40,000. Their aim is to fund finishing touches such as TV/DVDs, child-friendly bedside cabinets and new colourful blinds. “Each cubicle costs around £3000 to fit in full” adds Sue. “It may seem like a lot of money but it will make such a difference to the patients, especially those who are confined to their rooms for weeks at a time”.

To find out more about how you can fundraise or make a donation to Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, please visit


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