NHS Charities Together grants funding for UHP Wellbeing for All initiative
NHS Charities Together has granted Plymouth Hospitals Charity funding to support a new project, ‘UHP Wellbeing for All’. The initiative was designed by a multidisciplinary team including Occupational Health, Psychologists, HR and OD colleagues and the Director of People.
The aim of the UHP Wellbeing for All project is to provide staff with the right training and support to develop colleagues to be skillful in recognising and supporting wellbeing in their diverse team, so that at the earliest stage we can keep each other well. The project will also provide practical dedicated psychological support to teams as we emerge from COVID, recognising from research that much of the psychological impact will be in the longer term. The project will also raise the profile of the importance of ongoing focus on psychological support and awareness.
Learning and Organisational Development Lead (personal Development), Jayne Middleman said: “We feel extremely fortunate that NHS Charities Together has awarded this funding to allow us to increase the competence of our managers to manage psychological distress. Our people will get the right support when needed and this will result in reduced referrals to OH and other system support services.
“In addition, those from diverse backgrounds will feel more supported and Managers themselves will feel valued and more skilful. Good line management intervention can prevent spiralling ill health and long-term absence which then affects the whole team. It is important for building trust and creating the conditions for great care to our patients”
Under the guidance of a Mental Wellbeing Trainer, Managers will be coached in mental health first aid, holding wellbeing conversations and compassionate leadership. A dedicated staff clinical psychologist will also work with colleagues to provide a resourced and impactful reflective practice programme underpinned with trained psychology support.
Director or People, Steven Keith said “The health and wellbeing of all of our staff has never been more important and is a central part of our People Plan. Whilst we have many support mechanisms in place already, the additional funding from NHS charities together will enable us to do even more to support those who deliver outstanding care for our patients.”
We have already recruited some people champions to specifically support Wellbeing, Freedom to Speak Up and Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and we also have a new Wellbeing for All Project team who are Julia Bird – Wellbeing for all Psychologist, Sharon Bailey - Wellbeing for all Facilitator, Louise Jones - Wellbeing for all Champion and Project Coordinator and Emma Sullivan – Wellbeing for all administrator, who will all commence in post over the coming weeks.
Further recruitment of People Champions will take place in the New Year but if you would like to find out more information about this project and how you can be involved in the meantime please email the Wellbeing for All Project at plh-tr.wellbeingforall@nhs.net