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Outpatient Pharmacy to double in size

University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust is working on the development of a new and improved outpatient pharmacy due to open in Spring 2024.

The new pharmacy will double in size when it moves to a new location adjacent to Derriford hospital’s on-site Costa Coffee shop in the multistorey car park building.  

Chief Pharmacist & Clinical Director of Medicines Optimisation, Kandarp Thakkar, said: “We’re really excited about progress on the new pharmacy which serves thousands of outpatient appointments each week.

“As many who have used the pharmacy recently will know, we have outgrown our current space and this much improved facility will have room for more staff and stock, a better range of services and a much-improved experience for patients.

“We recognise there have been long queues at the pharmacy in recent weeks, so on behalf of UHP and Lloyds Pharmacy, I want to offer our sincere apologies. The level of service and disruption is not something that we expect or want for patients and we’re very sorry to anyone who has been inconvenienced.”

Whilst work is ongoing on the new pharmacy, the Trust has implemented measures such as covered seating.

The new 155m2 pharmacy will have extended opening times during the weekends to benefit patients who are unable to attend during the week. Demand for UHP outpatient pharmacy services has grown by 25%.

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