Cancer Supportive Care Directory

Cancer can have an impact on your physical, social, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual wellbeing. The Cancer Supportive Care Directory aims to provide simple, background information to help patients and professionals find ways in which they can help manage the concerns that may arise during cancer, treatment or beyond.

The directory can also signpost you to additional support (at a local and national level). You can access the directory electronically via the links below.

It is important that patients discuss concerns with their clinical nurse specialist, GP or other health care professional. This directory is designed to support these relationships and not to replace them.


1. Physical Concerns

2. Practical Concerns

3. Family/Relationship Concerns

4. Emotional Concerns

5. Spiritual or Religious Concerns


Additionally, visit the Cornwall Care Services Directory.


Cancer Care Map

Cancer Care Map is a simple, online resource that aims to help you find cancer support services in your local area wherever you are in the UK. 

Go to Cancer Care Map

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