Consultant Radiologists

Breast Imaging

Secretaries contact number - 01752 431886

  • Dr Jim Steel
  • Dr Sarah Doyle
  • Dr Karen Paisley

Cardiac & Chest Imaging

Secretaries contact number - 01752 439158

  • Dr Grant Mitchell
  • Professor Carl Roobottom
  • Dr Richard Riordan
  • Dr Vikram Raju

Gastrointestinal Imaging

Secretaries contact number - 01752 431268

  • Dr Mac Armstrong
  • Dr Simon Jackson
  • Dr John Shirley
  • Dr Bruce Fox
  • Dr Adel Abdellaoui

General and Cross Sectional Imaging

Secretaries contact number - 01752 432013

  • Dr Mike Williams
  • Dr Rob Lavis


Secretaries contact number - 01752 432015

  • Dr Ann Jones
  • Dr Diane DeFriend
  • Dr Petra Williams

Interventional Imaging

Secretaries contact number - 01752 439827

  • Dr Richard Miles
  • Dr Philip Coates
  • Dr Nelofer Gafoor
  • Dr Mladen Macanovic

Musculoskeletal Imaging

Secretaries contact number - 01752 763247 

  • Dr Abdul Gafoor 
  • Dr David Gay
  • Dr Philip Hughes
  • Dr Priya Suresh
  • Dr Alun Davies

Neuro Imaging

Secretaries contact number - 01752 439155

  • Dr William Mukonoweshuro
  • Dr Will Adams
  • Dr Jonathan Jones
  • Dr Lucy Lee
  • Dr Mufudzi Maviki

Nuclear Medicine

Secretaries contact number - 01752 792277

  • Dr Brent Drake
  • Dr Thomas Gruning

Paediatric Imaging

Secretaries contact number - 01752 432013

  • Dr Joanne Gormally
  • Dr Jude Foster


Secretaries contact number - 01752 431121

  • Dr Simon Freeman
  • Dr Catherine Gutteridge

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