Disclosures (March 2022)
Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 - General Statement of compliance
The Trust, for its part, is happy for you to reuse any of the information supplied in compliance with the open Government Licence terms. Please go to: http://nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/information-management/ogl-user-guidance.pdf. The Trust does not permit the forwarding or sale of staff/departmental contact details and a specific 'Re-use of Information Regulations' request is required for such purposes.
If relevant, you will need the permission of other information owners. This can occur when you receive or access a document that is co-authored, or where the ownership is with another organisation. Provision under both the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Envrionmental Information Regulations 2004 does not entitle you to re-use the information without appropriate permissions. Use must be in compliance with an open Government licence or other agreed terms.
- W21FOI603 Contact Centre.pdf [pdf] 123KB 21FOI603 Attachment.xlsx [xlsx] 10KB
- W21FOI604 Settlement Agreements.pdf [pdf] 87KB
- W21FOI605 Salesforce.pdf [pdf] 99KB
- W21FOI607 bloodstream infections.pdf [pdf] 105KB 21FOI607 Attachment.xlsx [xlsx] 12KB
- W21FOI608 Sexual Assault Allegations in Care Settings.pdf [pdf] 111KB
- W21FOI609 Clinical service incidents - 202021.pdf [pdf] 105KB
- W21FOI610 UTIs in children.pdf [pdf] 101KB 21FOI610 Attachment.xlsx [xlsx] 10KB
- W21FOI611 Interpreting & Translation Services.pdf [pdf] 138KB 21FOI611 Attachment.xlsx [xlsx] 17KB
- W21FOI612 Acute management of Venous thromboembolism.pdf [pdf] 144KB
- W21FOI613 treatment of Breast Cancer.pdf [pdf] 102KB
- W21FOI614 Finance Team titles and contact information.pdf [pdf] 133KB
- W21FOI615 Risk Management Strategy .pdf [pdf] 1MB
- W21FOI616 Pathology LIMS.pdf [pdf] 102KB
- W21FOI617 clinical trials activity.pdf [pdf] 101KB
- W21FOI618 the use of targeted therapies in blood-related cancers.pdf [pdf] 153KB
- W21FOI619 Plastic Laminating Pouches Sleeves.pdf [pdf] 103KB
- W21FOI621 Audited Accounts.pdf [pdf] 99KB
- W21FOI622 Orthopaedic service.pdf [pdf] 114KB
- W21FOI623 number of intrapartum stillbirths.pdf [pdf] 102KB
- W21FOI624 software contracts that the organisation uses for MRI cardiovascular post-processing software.pdf [pdf] 119KB
- W21FOI625 Emergency General Surgery.pdf [pdf] 116KB
- W21FOI627 Teleradiology.pdf [pdf] 118KB 21FOI627 Attachment.xlsx [xlsx] 22KB
- W21FOI628 incidence and treatment of different types of cancer.pdf [pdf] 130KB
- W21FOI629 diagnosis and treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma.pdf [pdf] 107KB
- W21FOI630 Insulin Pumps.pdf [pdf] 103KB
- W21FOI631 How old is the central water treatment equipment used for the renal dialysis wards.pdf [pdf] 109KB
- W21FOI632 Blood Gas Analysers.pdf [pdf] 98KB 21FOI632 Attachment.xlsx [xlsx] 10KB
- W21FOI633 Prostate Cancer.pdf [pdf] 109KB
- W21FOI635 Oesophageal and Gastric Cancer.pdf [pdf] 128KB
- W21FOI636 Set medical Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) template department within the Trust.pdf [pdf] 181KB
- W21FOI637 blood transfusion policy, Merrivale Neurology Ward.pdf [pdf] 294KB 21FOI637 Attachment 2 - Staffing Count.xlsx [xlsx] 12KB
- W21FOI638 POC Device Connectivity to Electronic Patient Notes.pdf [pdf] 114KB
- W21FOI639 Agency & Bank Spend, Direct Engagement, Bank Provider & Software.pdf [pdf] 93KB
- W21FOI640 Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome.pdf [pdf] 128KB
- W21FOI641 Agency spend.pdf [pdf] 112KB
- W21FOI642 A monthly breakdown of the total number of MRI scans that Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients have had.pdf [pdf] 108KB 21FOI642 Attachment.xlsx [xlsx] 14KB
- W21FOI643 Consultant-led Referral to Treatment Waiting Times data.pdf [pdf] 103KB
- W21FOI644 contract covering reprographics print arrangements.pdf [pdf] 112KB
- W21FOI645 Period policies for staff.pdf [pdf] 103KB
- W21FOI646 employees with post-Covid syndrome.pdf [pdf] 107KB
- W21FOI647 EPR Solutions.pdf [pdf] 99KB
- W21FOI648 routine referrals to Cardiology, Gynaecology and Neurology.pdf [pdf] 156KB
- W21FOI649 Angiograms completed, average wait time.pdf [pdf] 83KB
- W21FOI650 The role of DirectorChiefLead of AHPs.pdf [pdf] 165KB
- W21FOI651 Use of Serenity Integrated Mentoring (SIM).pdf [pdf] 108KB
- W21FOI652 Allocate Software Development.pdf [pdf] 105KB
- W22FOI653 Patient Initiated-Follow Up (PIFU).pdf [pdf] 129KB
- W21FOI654 Bed Management, Diagnostic Reporting, Discharge Letters, Integration Platform Systems Query.pdf [pdf] 111KB
- W21FOI655 Long Covid.pdf [pdf] 103KB
- W21FOI656 total spend on opioid analgesic prescription painkillers.pdf [pdf] 101KB
- W21FOI657 Rostering and Job Planning.pdf [pdf] 99KB 21FOI657 Attachment.xlsx [xlsx] 12KB
- W22FOI658 The use of endoscopy consumables.pdf [pdf] 117KB
- W21FOI659 Assessment & Treatment Units.pdf [pdf] 101KB
- W21FOI660 hospital-acquired Covid infections.pdf [pdf] 102KB 21FOI660 Attachment.xlsx [xlsx] 9KB