FOI public interest

The Trust publishes responses to Freedom of Information requests that it considers would be of wider public interest.

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Disclosures (August 2022)

Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 - General Statement of compliance 

The Trust, for its part, is happy for you to reuse any of the information supplied in compliance with the open Government Licence terms. Please go to: The Trust does not permit the forwarding or sale of staff/departmental contact details and a specific 'Re-use of Information Regulations' request is required for such purposes. 

If relevant, you will need the permission of other information owners. This can occur when you receive or access a document that is co-authored, or where the ownership is with another organisation. Provision under both the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Envrionmental Information Regulations 2004 does not entitle you to re-use the information without appropriate permissions. Use must be in compliance with an open Government licence or other agreed terms.

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