ICU Triathlon
What is the ICU triathlon?
The ICU Triathlon involves having a shower, in bed cycling and walking a lap of the unit! Each patient is rewarded with their very own ‘ICU Triathlon’ Certificate to proudly show off.
This event has been brought about with the help of Rebecca Langley and here is her story;
Rebecca Langley;
‘I had loved running for several years before I was diagnosed with bowel cancer at the age of 30. A diagnosis that fills anybody with fear, but alongside that fear there was a glimmer of hope for me, as my surgery would leave me with a permanent ileostomy; meaning that I could live my life without having to think about where the nearest toilet was. Having lived with colitis for 10 years, the hope of this freedom was huge.
However this surgery did not come without worry, and I was warned that I may never be able to run again without risk of hernia. This was heart breaking but I was determined to give it a try!
Unfortunately, serious complications with my first chemotherapy treatment landed me in intensive care, fighting for my life. All of my dreams had all but gone out the window.
But I dreamed, I dreamed that I would be able to walk/jog 5km within a year. I did not tell anybody, they’d think I was crazy!
I used sport to aid my recovery, both mentally and physically, except this time I was able to run, swim and cycle without the worry of needing to rush to the loo. I felt free!
Much to everybody’s surprise I completed my first Triathlon three days before the anniversary of my surgery and my first ever half marathon 16 months after leaving intensive care. A life dream come true!
Rebecca Langley has, incredibly, written a book about her journey from ICU to triathlon competitor;
‘Control, Alt, Delete; From Resus to Runner’
£1 from every copy bought will go to the Royal Surrey County hospital Intensive Care Unit.
How you can get involved
Please download your very own ‘ ICU Triathlon’ certificate to present to patients. There is a blank one here , so you can add your own logo.
Remember to share your success stories #ICUTriathlon #RehabLegend