One to one with a Support Specialist
The Cancer Support Specialist works with patients and/or carers to provide a supportive, informative discussion of varying complexity
This discussion may be about the cancer diagnosis but also around any other issues that may be affected by a diagnosis. Concerns can be wide and varied and the Cancer Support Specialist is able to facilitate discussions regarding any issues that may be of concern to you or your family in a sensitive, compassionate and timely manner. In agreement with the individual, they can also signpost or refer to specialist services.
Physiotherapy service
The physiotherapy service at the Mustard Tree promotes the physical health and wellbeing of patients living with and beyond cancer who are receiving care at University Hospitals Plymouth. The aim is to rehabilitate and encourage self-management, at all points from diagnosis onwards, to improve quality of life and health outcomes. Patients will be offered a face-to-face appointment and followed up either with face to face, virtual or telephone appointments. We strive to reduce and manage cancer-related physical symptoms of disease and side effects of treatment. We provide early assessment and provision of a personalised treatment plan, addressing an individuals’ physical needs.
Benefits Advice and Grants
We appreciate that during times of prolonged treatment, your finances can alter radically. Often, it is better to seek advice before taking action, as this may affect future entitlement to benefits etc.
If you are not sure whether you are entitled to any financial support or you are seeking general advice, you can request an appointment with our Macmillan Benefits Advisor. They can advise on whether you are entitled to any benefits and can even help with the application process. They can also signpost you to further advice or support.
The Benefits Advisor is also able to access a range of grants for those patients who are experiencing financial hardship as a result of their diagnosis or treatment. this can include help with travel costs to and from hospital if required. These grants include: Macmillan Cancer Support and The Plymouth and Cornwall Cancer Fund (these grants are means tested).
If you feel we can be of help, please discuss with a Support Specialist or self-refer to our Benefits Advisor using the link above. All appointments are currently taking place over the telephone.
Complementary Therapies
We offer a range of tools and techniques to help you to create a sense of wellbeing; to begin to release stress, tension and anxiety; to promote the relaxation response and to support your self-care.
We will do this by offering you one to one sessions with one of our complementary therapy team on a pre-booked appointment basis.
These sessions will be individual and tailored to you and could include:-
Breathing exercises
Guided visualisation
Simple, gentle movement
Guided hand reflexology
Initially, we will telephone you to discuss the best way forward for you and to book you in for your first session.
Self-refer for a complementary therapy appointment
Reflexology therapy
Reflexology therapy works on all the systems of the body sending messages to balance the organs and their functions. Reflexology can help people being treated for cancer through the relaxations process and it may also help with some of the treatment side-effects such as neuropathy of the hands or feet, it may also increase energy levels and help to reduce the feelings of sickness or pain.
Counselling Service
A confidential counselling service is available for cancer patients, their carers and family. If you are experiencing stress, anxiety, depression or other difficulties, you can speak with a Support Specialist, who will be able to discuss the best option for you and refer you for counselling, if appropriate.
Each counselling appointment lasts approximately one hour with sessions currently taking place via telephone or video call.
Look Good Feel Better
Look Good Feel Better is a charity aimed at helping patients make the most of their appearance during (or following) cancer treatment. This can help to build confidence and self-esteem. They will be running face to face sessions.
The free sessions will be run by specially trained beauty advisors and offer advice on skin care, grooming and/or makeup. Sessions are available separately for men and women.
We are really pleased to share with you dates for the face to face Haircare and Nailcare workshops. Please talk to your clinical nurse specialist or contact the Mustard Tree on 01752 430060.
Wig Referral
For patients affected by hair loss as a result of cancer treatment, they can request a referral for wig advice and fitting. Further information about costs and financial assistance is available from a Support Specialist.
A Browns representative will contact the patient directly to book an appointment on receipt of the referral. We also work with Roots to Rise and Plym Hair. A wig referral form must be completed by your hospital doctor or nurse prior to making an appointment.
Holistic Needs Assessment
If you would like to discuss your concerns in relation you cancer diagnosis, and you are a patient of University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, you can contact your Support Worker, Clinical Nurse Specialist or Mustard Tree staff. You can also print and complete a Holistic Needs Assessment here to discuss with your key worker.
Find more information about the Holistic Needs Assessments (HNA)
Online Mindfulness Sessions
Mindfulness refers to a state of awareness. Mindfulness can help reduce stress, make better choices and enjoy greater wellbeing. These sessions are designed to help people make sense of and navigate these challenging times by learning some practical skills.
- Sessions will take place via Microsoft Teams with a maximum of 8 participants
- Available to anyone affected by cancer
- No experience in mindfulness required
- Led by fully-trained Mindfulness Teachers.
- Sessions include written materials, brief mindfulness practices and helpful resources for you to keep
We will be starting off with a taster session, running for approximately 1 hour. You can register your interest by calling The Mustard Tree 01752 430060.
Blooming well: Supporting your recovery through gardening
The Mustard Tree is offering this programme as part of their Personalised Care in Cancer provision aimed at helping individuals through or following treatment. We welcome everyone. - those who are new to gardening and those who are more experienced. All tools, gloves, seeds and plants will be provided Two locations are available, Plymouth and Sheepstor.
Contact The Mustard Tree on 01752 430060 for more information and to book a place.