Plymouth Health Innovation Alliance



The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the significant importance of health and social care in society and there is raised pressure on organisations to respond. It has crucially identified the fragility of the system and the critical relationship between health, the economy and wider well-being.


The Plymouth Health Innovation Alliance exists to increase collaboration in health related research and innovation. The focus on sharing knowledge, supporting new and existing businesses and boosting investment will enable the health and life science sector to continue to thrive in Plymouth and the surrounding area. Bringing together key organisations, the core partners of the Alliance are: the University of Plymouth; Plymouth City Council; University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust; Livewell SW; South West Academic Health Science Network; Plymouth Science Park and Biovault.


Centred on the Health Innovation Campus in the north of the City (including Derriford Hospital, Plymouth Science Park, Health Tech Innovation Hub, the University of Plymouth’s Derriford Research Facility and Peninsula Medical & Dental Schools, the new Brain Research and Imaging Centre, alongside many health and life science businesses) the Alliance will promote the infrastructure, expertise and capability available to provide a rapid route for researchers, innovators, SMEs and wider business into Plymouth’s health innovation ecosystem.


Through the Alliance and closer working our overall purpose is to improve the health and care of the populations we serve.


Signed PHIA Executive


For more informaiton please contact (details TBC)


PHIA Joint statement Final

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