#RehabLegend - Useful links

Useful Links

NHS Critical care recovery Critical Care Recovery
Designed to support patients and families in and after Intensive Care
Website www.criticalcarerecovery.com
ICU Steps ICUsteps
Founded by ex-ICU patients, their relatives and ICU staff to support patients and families through the long road to recovery from critical illness.
Website www.icusteps.org
ICU Delirium ICU Delirium
Designed to help understand the problems that critically ill patients experience
Website www.icudelirium.org
Macmillian Macmillan
Support and advice designed to support people affected by cancer
Website www.macmillan.org.uk
Telephone 0808 808 0000
Spinal Injuries Association Spinal Injuries Association
Charity designed to help people with or affected by a Spinal Cord Injury
Website www.spinal.co.uk
Telephone 0800 980 0501
Samaritans logo   Samaritans
Offer a safe place to talk any time you like, in your own way about whatever’s getting to you.
Website www.samaritans.org
Telephone 116 123
Headway logo   Headway
A charity that works to improve life after brain injury
Website www.headway.org.uk
Telephone 0808 800 2244
Stroke assocation Stroke Association
Providing help after a stroke
Website www.stroke.org.uk
Telephone 0845 3033 100

Mayo Clinic - online support group for ICU patients

Website https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/intensive-care-icu/

Critical Care Recovery



COVID criticalcarerecovery: https://covid19.criticalcarerecovery.com/

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