Diabetes Preoperative Care


Diabetes Planned Surgery Service

Patients who attend outpatient and orthopaedics pre assessment areas are referred to our team for perioperative support.

Referral Criteria

  • All patients on Insulin.
  • Anyone with a HbA1c of >69mmol/mol (8.5%).  (Sub optimal diabetes for surgery).
  • Repeated hypoglycaemia (blood glucose less than 4mmol).
  • Total pancreatectomy.


Patients are assessed either in person or via a telephone consultation.  Individualised pre-operative and post-operative diabetes medication advice is provided.  A summary of the diabetes day of surgery plan is placed into the medical notes.

It has been shown that people who have good blood glucose control before surgery are less likely to have infections and more likely to be discharged earlier. If the operation is not urgent then improving diabetes prior to surgery can help to reduce the risks of anaesthetic complications, poor wound healing and increased length of hospital stay.

If the operation is urgent, the clinical need for the operation always comes first, the decision to proceed with or postpone surgery rests with the surgeon and anaesthetic team. 

We aim to improve communication across the multidisciplinary team involved with your surgery. We liaise with the surgeon and anaesthetist as needed and also your GP/ Practice nurse so that follow up is in place post operatively as needed.

We try to see you on the day of surgery. If you stay in hospital  after your planned operation we will follow you up on the ward as required, so your discharge is not delayed due to diabetes.


Useful information

Diabetes advice for planned operations or procedures final July 2022.pdf [pdf] 219KB

Perioperative Care of People with Diabetes Undergoing Surgery | Centre for Perioperative Care (cpoc.org.uk)


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