Parkinson's useful links and information

Useful links to services and organisations

NHS Services

NHS 111 online, 111


Patients Know Best for Parkinson’s is currently available only to those actively on our Parkinson’s New Patient Pathway (NPP). If you are on this pathway, you can use this link to set-up, activate or log in to your Patients Know Best account.

Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, 01208 834 600

NHS Service Finder  quick, easy and free-to-use product for health and social care professionals to find local NHS services via web or mobile.

Livewell Southwest, 01752 435 502

NHS Better Health Get active with help from NHS Better Health 

NHS Fitness Studio Instructor-led exercise video's from the NHS

Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, 01392 404 664

Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust, 0300 456 8000 or 01803 614 567

University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, 01752 202 082

Bristol Movement Disorders Service - North Bristol NHS Trust

Community Parkinson's Specialist Teams and Nurses - Devon and Cornwall

Driving / mobility

Cornwall Mobility – We are the largest, most dynamic mobility centre in the UK We aim to provide solutions, services, support and reassurance to people of all ages in the Southwest who face independence and mobility challenges 01872 672318

DVLA for short-term medical driving licence renewals, 0844 496 0601 

Mobility Scheme - The Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry ( Information regrding the Mobility Concession Smartcard scheme for the Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry crossings. 

Other Useful Organisations and Support Groups

Cure Parkinson's, 0207 487 3892 - UK charity looking for a cure for Parkinson's and supporting research 

Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) Trust, 0333 323 4591 - UK and the Republic of Ireland’s leading charity supporting people affected by multiple system atrophy (MSA)

Parkinson's Europe Parkinson’s Europe is the only European Parkinson’s umbrella organisation. The leading voice for Parkinson’s in Europe

Parkinsons.Me, 07729 801 048 - Parkinsons.Me, are committed to driving change and support for families impacted by Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's Together Online support and information for people affected by Parkinson's

Parkinson's UK, 0808 800 0303 - Providing support, resources, and information to People with Parkinson’s and those who care or are affected by the condition.

Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Association (PSPA), 0300 0110 122 - PSPA is the only UK charity dedicated to creating a better future for everyone affected by Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) and  Corticobasal Degeneration (CBD)

The Lewy Body Society, 01942 914 000 - The small charity with a global reach, campaigning tirelessly to highlight Lewy body dementia

Social, wellbeing and lifestyle advice

Benefits information - GOV.UK   

Find your Parkinson's UK local group, Find local groups, support and social activities provided by Parkinson's UK

Fire Safety advice and support from Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service, 0800 3581 999

Fire Safety advice and support from Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service, 01392 872 200 

Improving Lives Plymouth, A charity at the heart of our community, supporting and inspiring people to improve their physical and mental health and wellbeing - 01752 201 766 or 01752 201 900

Lasting Power of Attorney- GOV.UK, Make, register or end a lasting power of attorney with the Office of the Public Guardian

Parkinson's Care & Support UK, 020 3380 2573, A UK charity which focuses on Integrative Healthcare, Wellness, Care and Complementary therapies to improve life with Parkinson’s and to ensure that people live better for longer

Parkinson's UK,Being active for 2.5 hours a week can help manage Parkinson’s symptoms. Information from Parkinson's UK helps you get active and stay active. This site also includes information about carers meetings, support and wellbeing. 

Social tariffs: Cheaper broadband and phone packages - Ofcom, Social tariffs are cheaper broadband and phone packages for people claiming Universal Credit, Pension Credit and some other benefits. Some providers call them ‘essential’ or ‘basic’ broadband

Small Good Stuff (Devon County Council) We link people who need care or support with local people who might help, and support small organisations that offer care or support.

Re-engage - call companion service in partnership with Parkinson's UK, Re-engage call companion service in partnership with Parkinson’s UK is for people living with Parkinson’s or their carers - freephone 0800 716 543

Mental Health Support

MIND, having access to the right information is vital when living with a mental health problem - 0300 123 3393

NHS Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Talking Therapies, providing free, confidential talking therapies from the NHS for people in Cornwall - 01208 871 905

Plymouth Options. NHS Talking Therapies for anxiety and depression, providing free, confidential talking therapies from the NHS for people in Plymouth01752 435 419

Talking groups for men ANDYSMANCLUB, men’s suicide prevention charity, offering free-to-attend peer-to-peer support groups across the United Kingdom and onlineemail

Talkworks. NHS Service Improving mental and physical wellbeing for Devon, providing free, confidential talking therapies from the NHS for people in Devon (excluding Plymouth) - 0300 555 3344

Re-engage call companion service in partnership with Parkinson's UK, Re-engage call companion service in partnership with Parkinson’s UK is for people living with Parkinson’s or their carers. - freephone 0800 716 543

Samaritans, If you need someone to talk to, we listen call 116 123

Keeping Active

Neuro Heroes is the UK’s first online neuro gym, delivering condition specific exercise classes for those living with Parkinson’s Disease, MS and other neurological conditions.

Parkinson's UK, Being active for 2.5 hours a week can help manage Parkinson’s symptoms. Information from Parkinson's UK helps you get active and stay active. This site also includes information about carers meetings, support and wellbeing. 

Staying active at home - Parkinson's UK toolkit

NHS Fitness Studio instructor-led exercise videos

NHS Better Health - Get active with help from NHS Better Health 

Pure Gym - Pure Gym offer a free membership to a person with Parkinson's or partner/caregiver of person with Parkinson's. To register, email with the following information 

Full name: 
Date of birth: 
Email address: 
Mobile number: 
Home address: 
Home gym: 

Do you require access to our DDA, easy access door (otherwise entry will be via our POD system): Yes/No 

Once they have this information, Pure Gym can get you set up and you can begin accessing the gym. 

Joe Wicks 20 Minute HIIT Workout for Parkinson’s 

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