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Derriford's Notice Boards Go Green!

Each month the Sustainability Team promotes awareness days to encourage staff to adopt some planet-saving behaviours, report them on Choosing Greener and win vouchers! The blog is updated twice a month with updates to these campaigns, internal Daily Email messages shout about the sustainable actions supported by Choosing Greener and our Twitter is buzzing with activity. But we know that lots of colleagues have limited access to emails and screen time. As a result, the Team has launched a ‘Green Board’ scheme. Each month, we’ll put together a pack of posters, pdfs, and flyers that staff can pin to noticeboards, post to their Teams/Whatsapp chats and put in pigeonholes. This month we shared resources for Veganuary, the Big Garden Birdwatch and Clean Air Night with the aim of encouraging staff to make some plant-based swaps, complete helpful wildlife surveys and be in the know about the polluting powers of log burners.

Getting the word out about our campaigns can sometimes be challenging in the large complex organisation that is UHP, and we’re always looking for innovative ways to engage our staff and community in all things green. We’re hoping the Green Boards liven up offices and wards alike and help staff to appreciate how sustainability can be part of their working day. Just don’t forget to recycle them once finished!

If you would like to be included in the Green Board circulation list or have an idea about how we could galvanise more engagement, please email us at plh-tr.sustainability@nhs.net

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