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Did you know, UHP wants to support cyclists to keep on peddling?

Green circle with graphic of hi-vis vest, cycling helmet and cycling sign in different shades of orange.

Green circle with graphic of hi-vis vest, cycling helmet and cycling sign in different shades of orange. Calling all aspiring Victoria Pendletons, Chris Hoys and lycra-sporting amateurs- did you know UHP wants to support you to keep on peddling?

During this year’s Bike Week, which took place on 5th June, DCHW supported colleagues who cycle to work with a complimentary breakfast of cereals, croissants & yoghurts. Staff were offered access to the changing facilities, new bike storage and heated drying lockers.

Don’t worry if you missed this opportunity- DCHW aims to repeat this in October or November where hot teas and coffees as well as breakfast will be provided for those braving the wintry cycle to work. Keep an eye out on the daily email for opportunities throughout July & August to try DCHW’s electric bikes for free at lunchtimes- it can be easy to eat your lunch at your desk, so why not encourage colleagues to go with you to get some fresh air and have a break from your office? To take advantage of these freebies, you’ll just need to register with DCHW as a colleague member.

If the idea of cycling to work appeals to you, but you’re worried your fitness wouldn’t be up to it, DCHW is offering an ‘I’m not fit enough to cycle’ Scheme for free. Use the gym for a month to build up your fitness and confidence before hopping on one DCHW’s lightweight bikes to get pedalling to work or the shops. No helmet? No problem! Nab one from the DCHW. Electric bikes can be a good solution for those who doubt their cycling ability. Before buying one, staff can try one of DCHW’s Volt bikes by lending it for a month. Arduous hills and sweaty faces will be a thing of the past.

Cycling to work is not only good for you, but also for the planet too- indeed, according to the University of Oxford, choosing a bike over a car just once a day can reduce the average person’s transportation-related carbon emissions by 67%! If we all work together to reduce our individual carbon footprint, we can help to reduce the carbon emissions in our atmosphere and ultimately prevent catastrophic climate change. Climate anxiety can affect all of us, but if everyone made small environmentally friendly changes like choosing to cycle rather than drive, we could act rather than burying our heads in the sand.

Lots more information about cycling to work can be found on the choosing greener programme website including how to hire a pool bike, information about electric bikes, locations of cycle parking etc. Still need to sign up? Click on the following link: https://choosinggreeneruhp.greenrewards.co.uk/

If you’d like to share your views and contribute to shaping facilities for cyclists at the Trust, email the Sustainability Team plh-tr.sustainability@nhs.net to join the Bicycle User Group, affectionately known as BUG. We’d love to reinvigorate this group and get our staff buzzing with the bike bug!

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