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Don't want it? Warp it

The Trust has recently invested in Warp it, an online portal that allows members to swap, give away or acquire a range of NHS goods. With all the changes and moves happening at the hospital currently, it’s a common occurrence to have surplus, or indeed, not enough furniture. Departmental budget holders will be all too aware of the need to save money wherever it is safe to do so. We think fitting out workspaces with second hand gems could be a perfect way to save those precious pennies.

What’s more, the energy and carbon emissions saved by not buying new are colossal- The use of Warp it in five NHS trusts in Lancashire and South Cumbria has helped to avoid 33,994kg of waste and saved 14,062kg of carbon that would have been used - this is the equivalent of planting 45 trees and removing 14 cars from the roads. Items reused include office and ward furniture, and clinical equipment including 259 pairs of wellies and a 40-foot container of mop heads.

The question is, can UHP do better? We think the answer is yes.

Sign up at https://getwarpit.com/company/plymouthhospital

What items can be reused through Warp It?

Mostly reusable furniture, electrical equipment that doesn’t have an asset number, fixtures and fittings, office consumables (such as stationery), and general supplies. Medical equipment/devices are not permitted to be advertised on Warp It and IT equipment with asset numbers will need to be disposed of as per the normal procedure. For anything else, please contact the Sustainability Team plh-tr.sustainability@nhs.net.

How do I register?

Click here: https://getwarpit.com/company/plymouthhospital Make sure you bookmark it. Hit the big green button which says ‘register’ now. Once you register you will receive further instructions. You can browse items on Warp It by hitting search button.

Happy swapping!

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