Tell us what you think

We aspire to be an outstanding Trust where we create the conditions for patients and families to have positive experiences of care, where we identify and strive for continuous improvements, and involve patients, families and our community in co-creating experiences that are in line with the Trust values.

We recognise there is no better or more important way of improving our services than by listening to what individuals think, feel and experience throughout their care journey and beyond.

We aim to involve patients, carers and the public in everything from what services we provide to how they are delivered and how we can improve them in the future. We provide opportunities for patients, carers and families to share their experiences and tell their stories; feedback is anonymous, valuable and acted upon.

Patient experience strategy

Patient experience includes listening to the patients we treat and care for to enable us to see the hospital through your eyes. 

This is done in part by collecting feedback through patient surveys, patient opinion websites and the queries and concerns raised through the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and complaints. This information is used to drive improvements in patient-centred care at our Trust. 

Our patient experience strategy defines the Trust's approach improving the experience of our patients. 

Delivering a positive patient experience

  • Ensuring dignity is always at the centre of care
  • Improving communication with waiting, admission, expectations of care and discharge
  • Improving mental health care for people in our Emergency Department
  • End of life care improvement programme
  • Discharge, helping patients to get home sooner

Listening, learning and improving

  • Responding to complaints with early contact and local resolution
  • Embedding patient stories in opportunities for learning and development
  • Improving how people can talk to us about their experiences

Involving patients, carers, staff and the community

  • Supporting our carers who support our patients
  • Peer learning with patient assessors on our wards
  • Training for patient involvement
  • Better involving patients and the community in bringing about improvements
  • Improving the experiences of people who speak community languages

Sources of feedback

As well as our patient experience strategy there are a number of external organisations, such as the Care Quality Commission and The Patients Association, who collect information and feedback about the services we provide. 

Find out how University Hospitals Plymouth manage your personal information

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