Trust Board Meetings and Papers

The Board will meet in public monthly. On Fridays in February and March, and on Wednesdays from April onwards. All meetings start at 9am.

From December 2022, Board meetings in public have returned to in-person meetings. If you would like to attend the meeting, please contact us in advance. Call the Board secretary on 01752 439489 or email

View the highlights of our public Board meetings in our From Board to Ward articles.

Trust board meeting dates for 2024:

Extraordinary Public Board Meeting, 19 January, 9.15am to 10am, G24W Plumer House

  • Friday 2 February
  • Friday 1 March
  • Wednesday 24 April
  • Wednesday 29 May
  • Wednesday 26 June
  • Wednesday 31 July
  • Wednesday 25 September
  • Wednesday 30 October
  • Wednesday 27 November

Trust board meeting papers for 2024:


View older trust board meeting papers

From board to ward

Every month our Board leaders meet in public to assess how we’re doing for the patients and communities we serve, how we’re doing for our staff, our achievements, our challenges with a big focus on what we’re doing to address them and what our plans are for the future. Here we share three key highlights from each Board meeting in a bid to shine a light on key progress, decisions and share in an open and transparent way some key developments.

Previous Trust board meeting papers

2023 Trust board meeting papers

Annual General Meeting Papers 2023 [pdf] 6MB

2022 Trust board meeting papers

2021 Trust board meeting papers


For older Trust board meeting papers, please contact

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